Year 3 - Indigo Class - Pool Hayes Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs. K Vaughan
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Welcome to the class area for Year Three - to enlarge the curriculum leaflet below please click on the vertical slider and drag the page around to view each area.

Teacher: Mrs Kelley
Teaching Assistant: Miss Fisher
Year 3 is a year of exciting new learning and challenges. We continue our KS2 journey and develop further independence. During spring term, our main topics are, Ancient Egypt, forces and magnets, famous buildings, holy buildings and rules and laws that help form a community.

Our timetable for the spring term is below:
To access ActiveLearn and help your child complete their homework and reading activities please click the logo opposite. The login details for your child are located in their PHP reading record. On initial login all allocated e-books, activities and interactive resources are available from the 'my stuff' area of your child's account.
You can download our long-term curriculum plan here.
Click on the link to access the documents
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