If You're Not Happy - Pool Hayes Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs. K Vaughan
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Please note that Mrs Vaughan and the Senior Management Team are available to talk to.
You can contact Mrs Vaughan by email on -


1. See Class Teacher or Keystage Co-ordinator.
Still not satisfied?

2. See
a member of the Senior Management Team - Mrs Statham, Mrs Snape or Mrs Thelwell.

Still not satisfied?

4. See Mr Carter.

Still not satisfied?

3. See Mrs Vaughan.
Still not satisfied?

4. See a Parent Governor.
They will speak to the Head Teacher (Mrs Vaughan) and report back to you.
Still not satisfied?

5. Ring the Education Office in Walsall - 01922 650000 - ask for Schools Section.

You should never need to do this. Our door is always open.You are always welcome...we will always listen.

Please bear in mind that our first and foremost job is to do the best for your children.
Sometimes we may be busy doing that when you want to see us but we will always make an appointment for you as soon as we can to resolve any problems there may be.

Remember we can't put things right if we do not know about them.

Please do not listen to rumours, they are usually exaggerated and untrue.

To review the complaints procedure for Walsall Education please click here

See the documents below for the Pool Hayes Primary Complaints Policy and the DfE School Complaints advice document for 2016:

PHP Complaints Policy Procedure
DfE School Complaints Procedures 2016
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