Pool Hayes Primary School is proud to announce that it has achieved
‘Rights Respecting School Award’
Level 1.
The Rights Respecting Schools Award seeks to put the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at the heart of a school’s culture and ethos to improve well-being and develop every child's talents and abilities to their fullest potential.
The best interests of the child are a top priority in all our actions. Leaders are committed to placing the values and principles of the CRC at the heart of all policies and practice.
The CRC is made known to children and adults. Young people and adults use this shared understanding to work for global justice and sustainable living.
Young people and adults collaborate to develop and maintain a rights-respecting school community, based on the CRC, in all areas and in all aspects of school life.
Every child has the right to say what they think in all matters affecting them and to have their views taken seriously. Young people develop the confidence, through their experience of an inclusive rights-respecting school community, to play an active role in their own learning and to speak and act for the rights of all to be respected locally and globally.
School Staff have created a Staff Charter in line with the CRC, the children create Charters within their classes which form part of the Class Rules. The governors and parents are at present working on Governor and Parent Charters.
Pool Hayes Primary
School Staff Charter
“Rights" are things every child should have or be able to do. All children have the same rights. These rights are listed in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Almost every country has agreed to these rights. All the rights are connected to each other, and all are equally important. Sometimes, we have to think about rights in terms of what is best for children in a situation, and what is critical to life and protection from harm. As children grow, they have more responsibility to make choices and exercise their rights.
All staff at Pool Hayes Primary school are committed to the following charter:
We are all aware of children’s rights and will ensure that the best interests of all children be our top priority. We will do what is best for the children and will think about how decisions will affect children. (UNCRC Articles 1,2,3)
We acknowledge and respect children’s rights to a name and identity. (UNCRC Articles 7)
We protect children from being taken. Children will only be released to known or designated adults. (UNCRC Article 11)
We respect children’s rights to an opinion. We will actively listen and take children’s views seriously. We will respect their freedom of expression. (UNCRC Articles 12 & 13)
We respect children’s religion and where possible allow them to practice their religion and share their religious views. The curriculum will allow all children to learn about religious and cultural diversities. (UNCRC Article 14 & 30)
We respect children’s rights to choose their friends and set up groups as long as it is not harmful to others. (UNCRC Article 15)
We respect children’s rights to privacy and confidentiality. Children are taught that ‘secrets’ must be shared if in the best interest of the child. The school has a clear Safeguarding Policy.(UNCRC Article 16)
We ensure that children have access to reliable information from the mass media within a controlled environment. This will not be adapted or edited to provide children with biased views.(UNCRC Article 17)
We respect that children have two parents and that both may have equal access to information about their child (within the constraints of the law). Parent interview times will be available separately and an end of year report sent to each parent. (On request). (UNCRC Article 18)
We protect children from being hurt both physically and verbally. We will not cause children harm or distress whether physically or verbally. When we are concerned that a child is being mistreated we will follow the school’s Safeguarding procedures. (UNCRC Article 19 & 34,35& 36, 39)
We respect children with Special Educational Needs or Disability. We have an Inclusive view to education and treat all children equally. We make reasonable adjustments to the way we work with the children so that they have equal access to the curriculum. We employ a member of staff(Inclusion Manager) to ensure the needs of all children are met.(UNCRC Article 23)
We work with Health Professionals to ensure that all children have the best possible health. We ensure that children have access to healthy food, clean water, fresh air and exercise while at school. We provide a healthy environment and give children access to a curriculum which informs them about a healthy lifestyle (including information about drugs- where appropriate) and educates them about their duty to support less developed countries. (UNCRC Article 24 & 33)
We ensure that no child is disadvantaged due to poor income or home circumstances. The curriculum, including Educational Visits, is accessible for all. We employ a member of staff (PSA) to work with parents offering help and advice. We have a duty to direct parents to the PSA who will endeavour to support and advise where possible. (UNCRC Articles 26 & 27)
We provide all children with a good quality education. We will ensure that children have a broad and balanced curriculum that ensures that all children use and develop all of their talents. (UNCRC Articles 28 & 29)
We provide children opportunities to play and rest. (UNCRC Article 31)
We follow a positive discipline procedure as set out in our Good To Be Green Policy. Staff will speak to children in a calm and controlled manner. We recognise that children should not be punished in a cruel or harmful way. (UNCRC Article 37)
We have a duty to teach about the Rights of Children and educate and empower children to use these Rights. (UNCRC Article 42)