Welcome to Nursery
Staff: Miss Raybone (EYFS leader), Miss Robinson

Helping your child at home One of the best ways to help your child is to read stories to them regularly. This will not only help with listening skills but also their speaking, vocabulary and imagination. Throughout the year in Nursery we will focus on different topics and I will recommend books that go along with these. Including your child in daily tasks such as getting dressed themselves, polishing (with a sock on their hand) or setting the table for dinner will develop independence. Also try singing Nursery Rhymes and counting songs. Look on the “Hungry Little Minds” website for other suggested activities.

Monday: 1000 stories- books to share at home can be changed
Friday: PE kit to be worn to school
Session times are 8.45am – 11.45am, please notify school if your child will be absent.
Class Dojo can be used for important messages, Nursery staff will respond as soon as possible.
All property must be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Access Class Dojo by clicking on this link:
The sounds based on Read Write Inc. Phonics are brilliant to practice with your child and significantly helps them with their recall. The videos are on YouTube and can be accessed by clicking the link below:
For counting and maths resources the Topmarks maths activities are an excellent resource:
For all-year-round topic resources the Cbeebies website provides quality, interactive activities: