Welcome to the class area for Year Two - to enlarge the curriculum leaflet below please click on the vertical slider and drag the page around to view each area.
Welcome to Year 2

Teacher: Mrs Emerson and Mrs Goodwin
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Devey
Children are at the centre of everything we do in Year 2 and we are looking forward to working with you as your child continues their school journey in Key Stage 1.
During the Spring term, we will be finding out about famous
explorers in History. In Geography, we will be comparing our local area with
Tulum in Mexico, while in R.E. we will be thinking about the question ‘What
does Easter mean to Christians?’ In Science, we will be finding out about
different types of materials and in D.T. we will be designing and making
healthy pizzas. Please see our curriculum leaflet for further details. If you
ever want to talk to us about anything (no matter how small) we are here to
Here is our spring timetable:

To access ActiveLearn and help your child complete their homework and reading activities please click the logo opposite. The login details for your child are located in their PHP reading record. On initial login all allocated e-books, activities and interactive resources are available from the 'my stuff' area of your child's account.
You can download our long-term curriculum plan here.
- Helping your child with learning Literacy skills at home
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