Year 4 - Violet Class - Pool Hayes Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs. K Vaughan
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Welcome to the class area for Year Four - to enlarge the curriculum leaflet below please click on the vertical slider and drag the page around to view each area.
Teachers: Miss Franke
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Wright
You can find information about the curriculum that we will be following by looking at the top of this page.
During our second term in Year 4, we will be  exploring the Roman impact on British history after their successful invasion  in 43BCE. We will be reading a selection of Roman myths and Tony Bradman’s  “Queen of Darkness” – we are excited to dive into our new topic and explore  this central part of our history!
In Science, our focus will be electricity  for Spring 1. In Spring 2, we will be using our learning for our Design &  Technology lessons to create our own light boxes. In our second set of  Science lessons, we will be exploring living things and their habitats and  venture into our nature garden for observations.
Our PE days will remain Tuesday (indoor –  however, we will be making the best out of any dry day and try to do PE  outside) and Friday (outdoor). On these days, the children will arrive in  school wearing their PE kit and wearing a t-shirt in their house’s colour. Please  ensure that any type of jewellery remains at home on those days to avoid them  getting lost or forgotten in the classroom. Our PE units this term will cover  skills from Dance, Tennis, Gymnastics and Rounders.
 Here is our spring term timetable:
To access ActiveLearn and help your child complete their homework and reading activities please click the logo opposite. The login details for your child are located in their PHP reading record. On initial login all allocated e-books, activities and interactive resources are available from the 'my stuff' area of your child's account.
You can download our long-term curriculum plan here.
Click on the link to access the documents
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