A uniform looks neat and tidy it will identify children as belonging to Pool Hayes Primary School and will prevent arguments about what to wear. There is no requirement for parents to buy uniform with a school logo on it therefore purchasing items of uniform from supermarkets or any other clothing outlets, including second-hand retailers, is fine as long as it conforms to the school colours (see below). All items of uniform are required unless marked 'optional'. Our uniform policy is available to download here.
Grey pinafore, skirt or trousers
White shirt
School tie
Green sweatshirt or green cardigan (with or without logo)
In the summer term a green summer dress is acceptable
Grey trousers (or grey shorts in the summer term)
White shirt
School tie
Green sweatshirt or green jumper (with or without logo)
Nursery and Reception Class - white polo shirt and grey skirt or trousers and green jumper/cardigan (with or without logo).
Please note:
Boots above the ankle, high heels, training shoes or pumps are not appropriate footwear for school. If your child wears these to school they must change once in school to black pumps or appropriate black school shoes.
- A suitable haircut is also part of the uniform.
- Patterned socks/tights are not allowed.and hair accessories must be small and colour coordinating to the school uniform.
Leggings are not suitable trousers.
PE Kit
All jewellery and earrings must be removed for PE lessons.
If your child/ren cannot remove their earrings themselves then they should not be worn on PE days.
Earings cannot be covered by plasters, if earrings cannot be removed your child will not be able to participate in PE lessons until they can.
Earrings should only be small studs. No nail varnish or make-up is allowed at any times.
Children are NOT allowed to bring Thermos cups containing hot drinks into school at any time.
Mobile phones should not be brought into school unless your child is in Year 6 and school have received written permission allowing them to walk home by themselves. If your child does bring their phone into school, it should be handed into the class teacher at the start of the day and collected from them at 3.15. Children will not be granted access to their mobile phones at break or lunch times.
Our appearance is very important to us and we are very proud of our children at Pool Hayes and the way they look. Thank you for your continued support.