Year 6 - Gold Class - Pool Hayes Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs. K Vaughan
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Welcome to the class area for Year Six - to enlarge the curriculum leaflet below please click on the vertical slider and drag the page around to view each area.
Welcome to Gold Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Statham
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Holyoake

The summer term in Y6 is both busy and fulfilling.
Our theme for the term is preparation: in Summer 1 for SATs and in Summer 2 for the great adventure which is transition to secondary school.
Our Science focus for summer one is completion of our work on light, before then moving on to a look at habitats and scientific enquiry.
Indoor PE will continue to take place on a Wednesday, outdoor will be on Friday as it was last term. In line with the rest of the school the children will continue to wear PE kit to school on these day. PE sessions this term will cover skills from team building/outdoor & adventure, gymnastics, athletics and yoga.
We are looking forward to continuing to work with you and your children.
Here is our timetable for the summer term:

To access ActiveLearn and help your child complete their homework and reading activities please click the logo opposite. The login details for your child are located in their PHP reading record. On initial login all allocated e-books, activities and interactive resources are available from the 'my stuff' area of your child's account.
You can download our long-term curriculum plan here.
Click on the link to access the documents
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